group learning opportunities IN fORT cOLLINS, co

If you are looking for innovative and effective GROUP training options, consider enrolling in one of our group training classes. We offer various training classes to help you achieve your training goals. Group classes are taught by the one and only Monica Grimm B.S., CPDT-KA at our convenient location, 204 North Link Lane, Unit 6 in Fort Collins, CO. 




All of our group classes are boutique-style!

What is boutique style, you ask? Various ala carte offerings to meet your specific training goals and smaller class sizes ensure that clients and their dogs receive ample one-on-one attention, time, and problem-solving while providing appropriate environmental distraction levels to ensure your success in the class.


view the class calendar at the bottom of the page

Puppy Learning

Early Learning Class For Puppies 8 - 18 weeks of age


4 WEEKS - $160.00

We are excited to offer a completely revamped early learning class based on the industry’s most advanced understanding and knowledge of the best practices for raising a behaviorally sound puppy.

Our puppy classes provide all the guidance and learning needed to navigate housetraining, puppy biting, destruction, manners, basic learning skills, etc. Additionally, our classes provide and coach you on socialization, interactions, and exposure opportunities for your puppy so they learn appropriate dog-dog and dog-human interactions so they may actively participate in our human lives calmly and confidently!

Humans must attend an Introduction to Dog Training, a human-only primer, or watch the introduction video, before the start date of your puppy class.

If you have a puppy and need help now, visit Your Puppy Place for just that!

The Important Basics group classes

For dog 16 weeks of age and up.

Introduction to Dog Training: Human-only Primer Class

Before starting a group class, this human-only training is required for new group class participants. The Introduction to Dog Training is a one-hour primer where your instructor(s) will cover the methods and techniques employed in our classes, your role in helping your dog to succeed, the supplies you will need to have for each class, and foundation skills to start with your puppy/dog before arriving to your first class - at no additional cost to you. If you missed an in-person introduction before a desired class date, we have an Introduction to Dog Training Video that you can watch before the start of the class.

Nuts & Bolts - Foundations Class:

3 weeks – $135.00 – for dogs 4 months old and up.

Nuts & Bolts is the prerequisite course for all dogs 16 weeks and over. The focus of this class includes:

  • Communication and motivation

  • Self-control and regulation

  • Focus and Attention

  • Critical foundation skills (sit/down/leave it/leash manners, etc.)

Once you and your dog have completed the Nuts & Bolts Class (or a previous Smart Dog One Class), you can select from any of the following courses to meet your training needs.

Polished & Polite: 3 weeks – $135.00

This class advances the basics and covers the important skills needed to have a well-mannered dog. We teach solutions for Jumping-Up, Leave-it, Off, Door/Visitors, Counter-surfing, and more. We also address strategies to manage common situations and how to approach your dog’s behavior proactively.  Additionally, This class teaches you how to build a solid stay for safety, good manners, and the cutest photos ever! You will also learn how to send your dog to their “place” for relaxation and polite behavior.

specialized group classes

Loose Leash & Life: 3 weeks – $135.00

This class covers the important skills needed to go out and enjoy walks with your dog. You will learn how to manage your leash and equipment, how to walk as a team, and how to handle big distractions. the final week is out in the real world learning to navigate passing politely, handle tricky terrain, and work around unusual distractions.

Come Here!: 3 weeks – $135

This class covers the important skills needed to build a foundation for reliable recall behavior. We will help you build your dog’s motivation, strengthen your relationship with your dog, and polish your mechanical skills to set you up for recall success. 

Tricks & Games: 3 weeks – $135.00

This class offers fun and innovative ways to enhance your training, relationship, and communication through trick training and interactive games.


class calendar